Logic Rules (often referred to as "Form Logic") are simple or complex rules that control the display and processing of Forms. Planners can use Logic Rules (set up under Plan > Forms > Logic) to create highly customized online Forms based on the specific needs of their Event's registration process. Keep in mind that a Logic Rule always belongs to only one Form, but a Form may have many Logic Rules.
Logic Rules Overview
The basis of a Logic Rule is an action that will occur on a Form IF a set of conditions is met. Although the "condition" can be to "always apply", it usually has at least one or more IF clauses, joined by AND / OR conjunctions.
The Action can be thought of as a THEN clause after the conditions - that is, what happens after the conditions are met. For example:
- IF {the attendee type} {equals} {Exhibitor} THEN {Display Questions} {Exhibitor-only Questions}
A Logic Rule can include many levels of conditional clauses, such as:
- IF {email address} {does not end with} {"@certain.com"} AND {company} {contains} {"certain"} OR {position} {contains} {"certain"} THEN {Assign Attendee Type} {Certain Inc. Employee}
An infinite variety of combinations can be used to create Forms as complex as needed in order to accurately collect the Event's registration data online.
When an Attendee modifies their information, Certain "undoes" any logic-based actions that resulted from the original answer. For example, if the Registrant selects "Manufacturer" as their business type, and that answer results in a $30 Registration Fee, then they change their business type to "Retail", the $30 Registration Fee will be removed. This "undo" action occurs on the Verify/Edit, Payment, and Confirmation pages of the Form.
- List of Logic Rules: The Logic Rules set up for the current form are listed here. This may be a multi-page list.
- Labels for Form Sequence: Each Logic Rule, as described under List Rule Details below, must be assigned to a Form Section on which it will be processed in the Online Form Sequence (defined under Form > Setup).
- Note: Rather than using the default Section Labels of "Logic 1", "Logic 2", etc., you can define a custom Label and Description for each one. These Labels are what you see when adding Logic Sections to the Form, and setting the Online Form Sequence, under Form > Setup. For example, you could rename "Logic 1" to "Assign Attendee Type & Display Error", making its purpose obvious. (This eliminates any need to toggle back from Form Setup to this Logic Rules section to remember which action the Rules in a Logic Section are performing.)
Creating a new Logic Rule
- Under Plan > Forms > Logic, click Add New.
- Fill in the List Rule Details.
- Name (Required): A descriptive name for the Logic Rule. This should describe the condition and the action that will follow. For example, "Display exhibitor questions to exhibitors (Attendee Type)"
- Section: Select the Section on the Form on which the Logic Rule will be processed. (Logic 1, Logic 2, etc.) A Form may include up to 20 Logic Sections, and any number of Logic Rules may be processed on a single Logic Section.
- Processing Order: The order in which the Logic Rule is processed, displayed relative to other Logic Rules in the same Logic Section (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Conditions
- Always apply: The specified Action will always be applied. No further "Conditions" detail is required. Complete the details for the Actions.
- Apply ONLY if these conditions are met: The specified Action will only be applied IF the Condition(s) you specify evaluate to "True".
- Comparison Operator: The Operator compares the contents of the data field with the option entered in the answer field to the right.
- Answer value: In this unlabeled field to the right of the Operator dropdown, enter the value to be compared. (This field is not displayed if the Operator chosen is "is blank" or "is not blank").
- Conjunction:
- If you want more than one Condition, in this unlabeled drop-down list after the Answer Value, select AND or OR.
- Another set of fields will be displayed for you to Select a Question/Data Field, select an Operator, and specify the Answer value.
- You can then repeat this process as many times as necessary.
- Note: To combine AND and OR conjunctions in the same Logic Rule, use the " )AND(" and ")OR(" conjunctions. For example: IF ( Workshop A = Registered OR Workshop B = Registered )AND( Include Conference Proceedings Booklet= Yes ) THEN ...
- Actions: Select the Action to be applied if all the Conditions are met during the registration process.
- Click Save or Save & New.
Once you have created the Logic Rule(s), navigate to the Setup page on the Form and move the Logic Section(s) to Online Form Sequence in the Page Layout section to ensure the Logic Section(s) are applied during the registration process, then click Save.
1 comment
Important Note from Certain:
Currently, within the Logic > Condition drop-down list, 'Attendee Type' is referred to as 'Category'.
This reference will be corrected in the future and a follow up post will be added at that time.
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