You can enter an email address to be copied on all Confirmation Emails, if needed. This way, you will receive an email confirmation each time someone registers through a Form.
- Go to Plan > Forms, and select the Form for which you would like to receive an email.
- Navigate Confirm (left-tab)
- Scroll down to Select Confirmation > choose Use form-specific confirmation text (below)
- You will find the cc: field. Enter an email address to receive a copy of all Confirmation Emails sent to Registered Attendees.
- Note: You may list more than one email, separating them with commas.
- Click Save.
- Repeat the above process for all other Forms for which you would like to be copied on Confirmation Emails.
I have deleted our email in the CC field and still continue to receive emails. Ideas?
I don't want our registrants to see the CC email addresses on their confirmation email. Is there another way?
Hi Debbie, It sounds like the email is being sent out based on a custom status. So when a Customer Registration Status is set it will trigger a custom email using a logic rule. You can remove this by deleting the logic rule that triggers that email. Navigate to Settings (tab) > Custom Statuses > Advanced.
Hi Megan, you can go to Form > Logic > Create a Logic Rule with the action 'Send Email to Third Party' > select message to send > and list your email address.
You can also apply specific conditions if need be, so that the Logic Rule only sends based on those conditions. Finally, you will need to add that Logic Rule into the 'Verify' area (you might get away with placing it in the 'Confirm' area) of the 'Online Form Sequence'. You can try and add the Logic Rule to the 'Confirm' area to see if it will send by running a Test registration. If the email doesn't get sent, it's because the 'Confirm' area of the Sequence doesn't allow Logic Rules to sit with the same page.
I have email in cc in set up but not received confirmation emails?
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