For Registration Forms that require login via a combination of username/password or email/password, you may want to add a hyperlink to the Form Entry page for Registrants who forget their password. This can be set up by selecting Enable Forgot Password in the Username and Password section under Plan > Forms > Entry.
After selecting Enable Forgot Password, several fields will appear below. You may choose to use the default text for each field or edit each field, as needed.
Forgot Password Link: The link the Registrant clicks on the Form's Entry page to start the password reset process.
Forgot Password Header: The header of the pop-up window in which the Registrant requests a password reset, and the window in which the Registrant later resets their password
Email Address Placeholder: The prompt text in the field in which the Registrant enters their email address
Send Password Message: Text instructions for requesting a password reset
Send Password Button Text: Label of button to click to send password reset email to Registrant (using "Forgot Password" email template)
- Close Window Button Text: Label of button to close the window
Password Sent Caption: Preliminary line of message confirming the password reset email has been sent
Password Sent Message: Text of message confirming the password reset email has been sent
Link Has Expired: Error message displayed if the Registrant has clicked an expired link
Link Is Invalid: Error message displayed if the Registrant has clicked an invalid link
Enter New Password Caption: Label for field in which the Registrant enters their new password
New Password Placeholder: Prompt text in the field in which the Registrant enters their new password
Confirm New Password Placeholder: Prompt text in the field in which the Registrant confirms their new password
Change Password Button: Label on button to change password
No Email Address: Error message displayed if no email address is entered
Email Address Not Found: Error message displayed if no profile record has the email address entered
No Password: Error message displayed if no password is entered
No Confirm Password: Error message displayed if no password confirmation is entered
Passwords Do Not Match: Error message displayed if password confirmation entered does not match new password entered
Password Changed: Message displayed when password has been successfully changed
Enable password strength indicator: Select this check box to add a visual display indicating the strength of the new password (a growing line that is red, amber or green).
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