Support Center

Event Setup: Suppliers




  • Charles Gordon

    Is there a way to delete a supplier from an event? I do not see the option.

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  • Jessica Riley

    You can delete a supplier from an event. 


    1. Navigate to the top green bar in your account.



    1. Click on "Suppliers."


    1. Select your supplier from the list and click on the green pen icon to edit it.


    1. Select "Delete" in the upper right corner of the screen.



    You may not be able to see this option if you do not have a user type which corresponds to this particular view.  

    Also, you may not be able to see the Suppliers tab in the green navigation bar if that module is not activated in the product for your account. (The check box for suppliers would have to be checked on the admin side of your account within the Implementation tab, at the bottom of the screen.)

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