The Alert (notification) feature enables you to configure an email notification to one or more recipients when an Attendee Type or an Agenda Item with an associated inventory limit reaches a certain percentage of that limit (i.e., a threshold).
For example, if an Attendee Type called Executive has an inventory limit of 100 and if the notification for Attendee Types is set to 90%, an email will be sent to the specified recipient(s) when the 90th Registrant in the Executive Attendee Type completes their registration.
Enabling Notifications
A notification email will be sent if all of the following criteria are true:
The Notification option is enabled for the Event (Plan > Configure > Options).
Notification for Attendee Types (and/or Agenda Items) is enabled in Notification Settings (Plan > Configure > Alerts).
The number of Registrations for the Attendee Type (and/or Agenda Items) is over the threshold set in Notification Settings.
A notification has not already been sent for this Attendee Type (and/or Agenda Item) since the Attendee Type's inventory was last changed.
Alert Settings
To send a notification when inventory limits have been reached, select the desired option(s):
Send notification email when any Attendee Type reaches [ ] % of its inventory limit – Check the checkbox and enter a threshold value (as an integer value between 1 and 100) to send an email to the specified recipient(s) when any attendee type reaches this threshold.
Send notification email when any Agenda Item reaches [ ] % of its inventory limit – Check the checkbox and enter a threshold value (as an integer value between 1 and 100) to send an email to the specified recipient(s) when any agenda item reaches this threshold.</p>
When you select a Send Notification option, the Event Primary Contact email address is automatically entered in the To Recipient field. You may change the recipient address or enter additional addresses (separated by commas or semicolons).
You may want to send additional notifications to recipients when new thresholds have been reached, for instance if you change the threshold from a lower to higher percentage (e.g., I sent a notification when 50 % of limits have been reached, now I want to know when 90% of limits are reached). Note: Certain will not automatically re-send notifications when the parameters are changed. To send additional notification emails when updated limits are reached, you must "reset" the notification system. Resetting the system affects all attendee type records and/or agenda item records, except those that have already reached 100% of their inventory limits.
Reset – To reset the system, click the Reset link. This link shows only when limits are reached.
Alert History
The Alert History section shows a record of each Alert email and each reset action. Click a record to view the details of the Alert email.
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