Managing Users
Navigate to Account Settings > Administration > User Information.
Note: Only Administrators have access to this area.
Use this page to create and manage all Users within your Account (and Sub-Accounts, if applicable).
A User is an individual who has password-protected access to Certain. You can create as many Users as needed for each Account. Different User types exist to allow various levels of User access.
Setting up new Users
Go to Setup > Administration > User Information, and click Add New to create a new User. Then enter the following information:
Name: Required. Enter the User's name.
Login ID (Email): Required. This must be in a valid email format and must be unique in the Certain database. The system accepts all valid email address formats, including those that contain special characters and punctuation.
Phone: The number must be in a valid format.
Email: This is the email address that will receive system notifications for this User, including the initial temporary password with login details (usually the same as the Login ID).
User Type: Required. Select a User Type from the drop-down list:
Best Practice: When you add a new User, set their User Type as the one with the most access (i.e., the highest permission level) they will need for any of their Events. -
Administrator: Has access to all Events and Administration areas. Able to add/edit/delete Users, e-commerce accounts for credit card processing, Custom Event Questions, Custom Profile Questions, and User Roles.
Event Builder: Has access to all Events. Able to create Events from scratch or from Templates, copy Events, add/edit/delete permission for Events, access all Registrations and Reports. (Does not have access to the Administration area.)
Registration Support: Has access to Registration details and Reports. Able to add/edit/delete Registrations. (Does not have access to add/edit/delete Event Setup information.)
Reports and Approval: Has access to Reports. Able to run Reports and view Registration details, but not edit them. Able to make changes to Registration Statuses or Properties via Mass Action from the Report Results window. (Does not have access to add/edit/delete Registration information.)
Reports Only: Has access to Reports. Able to run Reports and export data to standard formats. (Does not have access to view Registration details or make changes to any Event information.)
Reviewer: Has access only to the Events to which they have been assigned as a Reviewer. (This User Type is only available if the Qualification and Approvals module is enabled for the Account.)
Account: Select the Account or Sub-Account(s) for the selected User.
Active: This checkbox determines whether or not a User is currently active in the database. By default, it is checked when a new User is created. This feature allows a User's access to Certain to be revoked without actually deleting the User, so that audit information can be retained. If an inactive User tries to log in, the following error message displays: “Your Login ID has been inactivated. Contact your System Administrator or Customer Support for more information.”
Generate password and email to User: If this option is selected, an email is sent to the email address entered in the LoginID (Email) field when Save is clicked. When viewing the details of an existing User, this checkbox is unchecked. By default, the box is checked and disabled when a new User is created, and if the LoginID (Email) field is edited.
Event Visibility (Optional):
View all events (Account Name and Sub-Accounts): The User has access to all Events in the currently selected Account, as well as any Sub-Accounts. This is the default setting.
View only events for which User is assigned a role (Role-Based User): The User is able to access only those Events only for which they are assigned a Role (on the Event Setup > Details page).
User Access (Optional):
Allow event template access - Allows Event Builder Users with this permission to set Events as Templates as well as edit Events that have been previously set up as Templates.
Import registration data - Allows Users to import Registration information from an external file.
Disable report results drill down - Restricts Users from drilling into individual records and viewing Registration data.
Roles Available to this User - Select the Roles that are available to this User.
Select Role(s) from the All Available Rows column on the left.
Click the ->> button to move the selected item(s) to the Roles Available to this User column on the right.
Login History - Once a User account has been created, this section shows a list of login history records for the last 90 days for the selected User. You can also download a one-year history of User access to a .csv file.
Save - Click to Save the User information.
After the Save button is clicked, the new User will be sent an email containing an automatically-generated temporary password. When the User first attempts to log in with the temporary password, they are immediately prompted to change it. Passwords must be at least seven characters long and contain both alphabetic and numeric characters. Special characters ( ! # $ & ) are recommended, but not required.
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