When launched with a single event selection, the Performance Dashboard is meant to answer business questions around the success of an event, take corrective actions during the registration process and plan to improve the target and content in the future.
This view will help answer questions like:
- Did we achieve our registration and attendance objectives?
- How successful was our registration over time?
- Where did attendees come from?
- Were we successful in getting our targeted organization(s) to show up?
- Which titles did we attract, thanks to which Marketing source/campaign, and which session did they choose?
- Do we see unexpected patterns that could lead to business decisions?
Elements in the Single Event View
The Single Event View is a rich dashboard containing different metrics and elements to use for event analysis. Let's have a look.
Total registrations and target
- Where?
In the Registrations tab, on the left-hand side.
- What for?
It provides the total number of registrations for the selected event and what percentage of the target has been achieved.
Percentage of attendance
- Where?
In the Registrations tab, on the left-hand side.
- What for?
It provides the percentage of attendance (compared to the total number of registrations) and compares it to the targeted attendance rate.
Cumulative Registrations Over Time
- Where?
In the Registrations tab, on the top section.
- What for?
This line chart provides the number of registrations over time based on the number of weeks prior to event start date (and sometimes also after if you take the use case of a live webinar that turns to on demand, for instance).
When opened in full screen, the solid area displays the cumulative registrations for the comparison event that is selected in the dropdown.
The graph can be used to understand registrations over time and compare to a target and similar events.
Daily and Weekly Registrations Volumes
- Where?
In the Registrations tab, on the bottom section.
- What for?
This bar chart provides the number of registrations completed per week (or per day) based on the number of weeks (or days) prior to event start date (and sometimes also after if you take the use case of a live webinar that turns to on demand, for instance).
The graph can be used to understand how registrations are progressing and to measure the impact of specific registration campaigns.
Registration Demographics
- Where?
In the Demographics tab, on the main section.
- What for?
This map chart displays the registrants based on their location. Use this to understand the demographics of your participants, and to ensure that regions are properly represented at your event.
Hover over a specific state on the map to get more details (location, number of registrations) in the tooltip.
Entity Demographics
- Where?
In the Demographics tab, on the left-hand side.
- What for?
This bubble chart provides the Top organizations (in number of registrations) associated to registrants. Use this to understand the demographics of your participants, and to ensure you are targeting and attracting the proper organizations to your event.
Use the filter to change the Top selection and hover over each bubble to get more information in the tooltip.
Spider chart (multi metric areas chart)
- Where?
In the Demographics tab, on the left-hand side.
- What for?
This spider chart displays the top 10 values by number of registrations and shows a comparison of attendance level and engagement level across them. The outer layer is normalized regardless of the number of registrations. Attendance and engagement level for each category is then plotted in the spider chart as a % of the number of registrations. Use this to quickly compare attendance and engagement levels based on a dimension that you are interested in.
Hover over a specific datapoint to reveal more details in the tooltip or use the screenshot ready version to focus on the chart and get all information in one screen.
Flow chart (Sankey chart)
- Where?
In the Sessions tab, on the left-hand side.
- What for?
This chart displays the flow of session registrations based on 2 dimensions. Hovering over or clicking on any item in the 3 columns shows the flow between the different dimensions as they relate to the selection. The height of each item is proportional to the number of registrations. Use this to understand the flow of registrations to specific sessions.
Use the filter to update your Top Selections or use the screenshot ready version to focus on the chart and get all information in one table.
Sessions with the most Registrations
- Where?
In Sessions tab, on the right-hand side.
- What for?
This bar chart shows the Top 20 sessions (across the whole event or for a specific day, if filtered at the top) by number of registrations. It reads from top to bottom.
Hover over a session to see the total number and the percentage of registrations in the tooltip, or use the screenshot ready version to focus on the chart and get all information in one screen.
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