Reviewers are created and assigned to a single Review Tier and can be assigned to multiple Session Tracks to perform reviews. Reviewers will also be able to edit their information when logging in to the Reviewer Portal.
Please Note: To set up reviewers, you will need to create Session Tracks and Review Tiers.
Creating a Reviewer
- Navigate to Manage > Speakers and Sessions > Session Reviews and select Reviewers.
- Click Add New.
- Fill out the Add Reviewer form.
Note: A Reviewer can only be included in one tier, but can be assigned to any number of tracks. Both a tier and at least a single track need to be assigned to the reviewer and to sessions in order to be reviewed.
Importing Reviewers
- Navigate to Manage > Speakers and Sessions > Session Reviews and select Reviewers.
- Select Import and Download the sample template or list of existing reviewers in order to have the correct template for the Import.
- Fill out the Reviewer information and Save the file (.xls, .xlsx, .csv).
- Upload the file and map the correct fields from your document to the reviewer fields in the system.
- Complete the steps of the Import tool and refresh the page. You will get an email when the import completes.
Reviewers will login the the Reviewer Portal using the Username and Password you created for them.
Reviewer Email Templates
- Navigate to Promote > Reviewer Email Templates > Add New
- You are able to create dynamic emails using the Append Tool to streamline your emails. DDFs (Dynamic Data Fields) can be used to automatically generate unique data (DDFs include reviewer data, event data, Reviewer Portal URL, Forgot Password Link, and more)
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