Support Center





  • AttendeeNet

    Is there any way in the system to search for (or report upon) an Invoice Number?  Clients often receive payments by check with an invoice number on the check, but the writer of the check may not be the associated registrant.

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  • Old Justin

    You can run a report that includes an Invoice Number column. This functionality was added in our Certain 4.0 product release.

    Administrator and Event Builder User Types are able to create Invoices reports.

    Before you create an Invoices report: 

    Log into your Certain account
    Create or Navigate to an event and a registration form
    Create a registration for this event.
    Create invoice template under Event Setup.
    To Create an Invoices report:

    Enter Events module
    Select an Event
    Select Reports module
    Click Add button to create new report
    Navigate down to Financial Reports
    Select Invoices radio button
    Add report name
    Click Save button
    Select Columns tab
    Add new Invoice fields to the Selected Data Fields list
    Click Save button
    Run the report

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  • Mike Poole

    How can you adjust the size of each section (Header, Bill To, Footer)?

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