If you want your Registrants to pay via the Certain Form, but the Complete Registrations in your Event still have a full balance due, follow the steps below to troubleshoot.
Troubleshooting Steps
- Confirm that the form is set to process payments online.
- Navigate to Plan > Select your Form > Payment.
- Ensure the payment methods you want to accept are checked off under Settings.
- Under Online Payment Processing, check the box next to Process payments online for this form.
- Select the Payment Processing Account you want to use for the form.
- Click Save.
- Check your registrations to see what their Registration Status was when they went through the Payment page of the form.
- Review the registrant's Reg Status via the Manage > Registrations > Dashboard.
- Select a registration.
- Click the History tab on the left side menu to see what changes were made to their Reg Status when going through the form.
- If the Reg Status is one with a "Pending" classification, that would prevent payments from being processed.
- "Pending" Reg Statuses cause a registration to only collect payment information when going through the Payment page of a form, and they cause the registration to not use up any inventory for any attendee types, agenda Items, or sessions that they are assigned to.
Checking the Entry Status Setting on the Form
- Check the form logic.
- Check the form logic rules by navigating to Plan > Select your Form > Logic.
- If logic exists to change the Registration Status, identify which Registration Status it changes it to. If it changes it to a Status with a "Pending" classification:
- Navigate to Plan > Select your Form > Setup page.
- Scroll down to Page Layout, check where the logic rule is run, and confirm that you want registrations to have that status at those times.
- If the logic rule affects a registrant when they are on the Payment page of the form, then do either one of the following actions:
- Remove the logic rule from the Page Layout.
- Edit the Registration Status to have a Classification of Accepted.
- If logic exists to change the Registration Status, identify which Registration Status it changes it to. If it changes it to a Status with a "Pending" classification:
- Check the form logic rules by navigating to Plan > Select your Form > Logic.
- Check the form settings.
- Navigate to Plan > Forms > Select your Form > Setup.
- Scroll down to Reg status under Setup Information, and note the registration status assigned for Upon entry into this form, set status to:
- Payments are forwarded to the processing account only if the classification of the registration status is "Accepted" upon reaching the Payment page.
- If the Registration Status selected under "Upon entry into this form, set status to" is a custom status, you can find out its classification by navigating to Plan > Event Setup > Custom Statuses, then noting the Type of the custom status selected.
- If the registration status selected under "Upon entry into this form, set status to:" is one of the Certain's default statuses, you can refer to its classification on the list below:
Status | Classification |
New | Accepted |
Requested Invitation | Pending |
Waitlist Hold | Pending |
Invited | Pending |
Request Denied | Denied |
Invitation Sent | Pending |
Pre-Registered | Accepted |
Declined Invitation | Denied |
Cancelled | Cancelled |
No-show | Accepted |
Attended | Accepted |
Tips and How to Fix
- Using the above steps, ensure that the Registration Statuses assigned are ones with an "Accepted" classification.
- If you are setting the Form to change Registration Status upon entry, then you would want the Registration Status to be one with an "Accepted" classification.
- The setting "Upon completion of this form, set status to" happens after the Payment page, so it does not affect how/if the payment is processed.
- If you are using a custom Registration Status, you can edit that Status so that it has an "Accepted" classification under Plan > Event Setup > Custom Statuses.
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